Thursday, February 4, 2016

One Day I Will ..........

Do you say one day I will go back to school, move to a dream location, follow a passion, etc? Why one day? Why not today? We can make excuse after excuse, but as a middle-aged person I will tell you the kids grow u faster than you think! The time flies, people die, and you miss opportunities to do things you want to do with the people you want to do they with time doesn't wait! It moves and if you think it moves slow come back in 5 years and see how fast it went and what you missed.

Years ago we picked up and moved to the beach our dream location.The warm sandy beaches, the small town feeling, and all the joy of a permanent vacation.It wasn't easy.We left people behind.People now dead and gone and dearly missed.We missed the time with them and it is my one regret.The joy of acting verse waiting and wishing has paid off.We live the life we chose to walk the beach, feel the sea and sand, and live today not one day!

Do not wait on one day! Today could be your last day in an instant it is over.The kids are grown in an instant.It seems the days drag and drag, but look back.How long ago does it seem since you _____ed? Too long?It seems like forever? Time is ever changing someday never comes.Grab it today! Live it today! Do it today!


  1. Your post is so beautiful! I know how hard it is to leave close people behind to follow your dreams! So happy tat you followed yours!

  2. Thank you. My children are moving to follow their dreams.It is very tough to have them far away , but I taught them to use their wings.

  3. Such wise words and ones that I completely agree with. All we have is the present so we may as well use it. Even if there's uncertainty it's so worth it to make the change or take that leap of faith - you never know where it could lead!

    1. We have to live today. We have lost some dear loved ones long before they could retire and get their someday.

  4. So so true! I have so many things that I imagine doing "one day" - this is great inspiration!

    1. Please try to do some of them now.Time is shorter than we think.

  5. Yes, so true! I realized I spent so much time thinking "one day" that this year I've been working to change that.

    1. Wonderful! I wish you luck in your adventures.

  6. So true! I couldnt agree more, I always kept putting off starting my "diet" and eventually I got so sick of being sick & tired I just said I am going to start and I have been good ever since. I started with just tracking all my food and now I can't survive without tracking it. I love how it becomes such a great habit!

    1. It takes 30 days to get a habit so little time yet many give up.Good for you for following your dreams.

  7. You can't count on tomorrow. TODAY is the one day that we have and we need to seize the moment. Good for you for living your dreams. Life is way too short!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. You are so right.This instant is our life.These tiny moments that will be our memories.

  9. You hit the nail on the head - all we have is right now so we've gotta live it to the best of our ability. Thanks for the reminder :-)


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