It seems not so very long ago we had five small children at home.We are in a new season with grandchildren now , but even greater our once packed home is quiet.The children are in different places and more and more we are not all together at once. It is bittersweet as we gave them wings to soar and know that it means we did our job as parents.Now we have grandchildren and it is a new adventure! Tonight as I watched them decorate trees and visit Santa it bought up happy days of their youth.I welled with pride at how amazing my babies now are as parents and young adults!
This also got me thinking of all the memories they will have with their children.This leads me to the internet to look at activities , games , gifts , songs , and so much more.What traditions do I want to share with them as a grandparent? What activities did we not do with our children that I was too busy raising children that I can now share with the grandkids and even our adult children.You see it is not too late to make memories , start traditions , or do better.Life is only starting as grandparents!! We have years to explore this grand adventure!!
A few things I found in my quest of ideas........
1. Salt dough Ornaments
1 cup salt
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup luke warm water
Mix salt and flour.
Slowly add water.
Knead into a dough.
Store in air tight container/ziplock bag.
Use cookie cutters to make ornaments and use a toothpick to add a hole for hanging! Important so don't forget!.
Bake at 200 degrees until dry.
2.Decorate the tree! Inite them over to help decorate the tree and drink egg nog!
3.Make garland! Popcorn , paper chains , cheerioes , pasta.
4.Color together! Grab one of those jumbo Christmas coloring books and have fun.
5.Go Christmas Caroling! Go to friends and families homes and surprise them with caroling.
6.Wrap gifts together!
7.Shop for their mom and dad or better yet make them gifts!
8.Christmas sleepover!
9.Christmas movie marathon!
10.Drive and see the Christmas lights!
11.Visit Santa!
12.Cookie cutter painting!
13.Read them a Christmas story! Record it so they will have it forever!
14.Snowball Fight! No snow? Make them from foam balls.
15.Make Christmas Cards!
16.Play a Christmas game.Pin the nose on Rudolf , Find the Candy Cane , ect.
17.Write letters to Santa!
18.Hot cocoa "coffee date".
19.Christmas Scavenger Hunt!!!
20.Go to their Christmas play , dance , school party!!
21.Build a snowman!! No snow? Make fake snow , use playdough , or salt dough above.
22. Make gingerbread men or a gingerbread house!!
23.Bon Fire and make S'mores!
24.Go pick out a yearly Christmas ornament!
25.Hug them tight , tell them you love them , and do your best to be there!
~Burton HillisThe best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
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